71.   The violence pointed to serious underlying problems for the Soeharto Government, problems not limited to the obvious popular discontent with the institutionalized perversion of the democratic process.

72.   Under those circumstances, popular discontent would lead to major civil disturbances and Castro would be compelled to tighten his authoritarian rule, the report said.

73.   With banks and automatic teller machines closed for three days now, many people have no money to buy basic goods, leading to rising popular discontent.

74.   He also promised to tackle police corruption, a source of considerable popular discontent.

75.   An Iranian newspaper, the hardline Jomhuri Islami, said Sunday that popular discontent was the root cause of violence in Bahrain.

76.   Both Alarcon and Vice President Rosalia Arteaga claim they have taken over from Bucaram, whose economic austerity policies and eccentric ways had triggered increasingly widespread popular discontent.

77.   Both Alarcon and Arteaga claim they have taken over from Bucaram, whose economic austerity policies and eccentric ways had triggered increasingly widespread popular discontent.

78.   Crowds began converging on the heavily guarded presidential palace where Bucaram has ensconced himself as popular discontent mounted over the past two days.

79.   Curbs on withdrawals from bank accounts have also fueled popular discontent that last month led to the collapse of two governments.

80.   Duhalde will face a formidable task in seeking to rescue a moribund economy without exacerbating popular discontent.

a. + discontent >>共 106
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