71.   Political development and enlightenment stumble because political affairs are handled by imposing a coercive approach.

72.   Also on hand were Lt. Gen. Syarwan Hamid, chief of political affairs for the military, and Jakarta military commander Maj. Gen. Sutiyoso.

73.   Annan had already planned to send his envoy, the assistant secretary-general for political affairs, Alvaro de Soto, to Myanmar this fall, possibly in October.

74.   And he said that the new Russian prime minister, Sergei Kiriyenko, would travel to Japan this July to discuss a range of trade and political affairs.

75.   And the operation was announced just as Mexican immigration officials have been campaigning against foreigners on tourist visas meddling in political affairs.

76.   As a career diplomat, Armacost served as U.S. ambassador to the Philippines as well as to Japan and was undersecretary of state for political affairs.

77.   At the time, Interior Minister Mwenze Kongolo accused the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees of interfering in internal political affairs.

78.   At the center of the scandal is the defense secrets law, used by governments to prevent investigation of sensitive political affairs.

79.   Brahimi is hoping his deputy for political affairs, Francesc Vendrell, and a top U.N. humanitarian expert will be in Kabul by Friday.

80.   Boutros-Ghali has asked the former undersecretary-general for political affairs, James Jonah, to travel to Liberia to help mediate the conflict.

a. + affair >>共 1090
internal 7.74%
international 5.10%
political 3.04%
extramarital 2.72%
family 2.44%
economic 2.43%
social 2.27%
religious 2.10%
domestic 1.95%
whole 1.92%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
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crisis 1.03%
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