71.   The future Mulally described yesterday is the polar opposite of this instinctive rule-following.

72.   The fact is, these once polar opposites are now merging.

73.   The intimate songs are the polar opposites of the blockbuster concertos, but both forms allow a soloist with a strong personality to make a bold mark.

74.   The movie sensibilities of Harvey Weinstein and Katzenberg are polar opposites, but the two men retain a firm bond.

75.   The polar opposite was the performance of the family leader, Billick, whose mouth so often runs far ahead of his mind.

76.   The Stars took the play to the Kings, a polar opposite of the first period when the Kings did all of the initiating.

77.   The starting front line is about the polar opposite of physical.

78.   The two men are, of course, polar opposites.

79.   The two men eventually became known in Washington as the two Pauls, their views on arms control diverging into polar opposites.

80.   The two men are polar opposites, though both are described as complete products of class.

a. + opposite >>共 57
exact 30.03%
polar 28.65%
complete 9.09%
very 5.51%
ideological 3.58%
total 2.20%
philosophical 1.65%
perfect 1.38%
direct 1.10%
diametric 1.10%
polar + n. >>共 114
opposite 22.22%
air 7.69%
ice 6.84%
winter 2.56%
explorer 2.35%
fleece 2.35%
lander 2.35%
expedition 1.92%
route 1.71%
exploration 1.50%
每页显示:    共 103