71.   Still, Olivas thinks the plans make sense because they serve as a ballast to keep tuition costs down.

72.   That plan will make substantial cuts in the growth in spending in an array of social programs, including ones for senior citizens.

73.   The bill mandates that health plans make exceptions to the formularies when medically necessary, an elusive standard that would mean more work for the independent review board.

74.   The bondholder plan makes no provision for such a deal.

75.   The Clinton administration announced a new rule limiting the financial arrangements Medicare and Medicaid managed-care health plans make with doctors to influence their decisions about patient care.

76.   The Colombian expansion plan makes Latasa the latest of several Brazilian companies to expand into other parts of Latin America.

77.   The FAA plan makes no mention of any new airport.

78.   The health plans have been making themselves more competitive through mergers and multistate affiliations.

79.   The House plan does make cuts from current levels in many programs and abolishes more than a few.

80.   The House plan would make small, fixed payments to dairy farmers to help them weather the transition to a deregulated market.

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