71.   The plan would also allow legal immigrants who become disabled after they arrive in the United States to collect cash assistance and Medicaid coverage.

72.   The plan would have allowed senators to consider each charge separately, conceivably allowing senators to narrow their focus on each article of impeachment.

73.   The plan would not allow summertime flows to dwindle along the lower river.

74.   The plans allow grazing to continue at current levels, which will damage public lands and heighten fire dangers.

75.   The NASD eligibility plan would allow investors to file claims for offenses that occurred as far back as six years before the date the plan is enacted.

76.   The plan allows Bosnia to stay one country but divides it into two entities, the Republic of Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation.

77.   The plan allows for a limited number of exceptions.

78.   The plan allows New York-based Nynex to join several other BabyBells who have received some regulatory relief.

79.   The plan allows the Navy to resume limited bombing practice with dummy weapons on the Vieques range until a referendum is held.

80.   The plan also will allow long-distance companies to compete for local toll service, now monopolized by Pacific Bell and GTE-California.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
government 4.18%
bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
plan 1.11%
plan + v. >>共 646
be 33.90%
call 5.74%
include 3.82%
have 2.93%
go 1.74%
work 1.36%
require 1.33%
allow 1.13%
provide 1.02%
make 0.93%
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