71.   The suit sought damages arising from what the plaintiffs said were delays and shoddy workmanship on the part of the builder.

72.   The six plaintiffs say that by being denied the right to marry they are denied the protections, benefits and obligations that go along with marriage.

73.   The white plaintiffs say the fact that Charlotte is under a federal court order to integrate its schools is no defense against their complaint of reverse discrimination.

74.   The video shows bright flashes that the plaintiffs say are proof of government gunfire that kept the Davidians from escaping the fire.

75.   Therefore, the plaintiffs will say, Lilly had a duty to warn the physicians who dealt with Courtney of possible tampering.

76.   They are seeking to recover hundreds of millions of dollars the plaintiffs say were illegally transferred to Blue Cross when it converted.

77.   Those renovations are now under way, but the plaintiffs say the state dragged its feet until Abbott was appointed, a charge state officials deny.

78.   While Pohl denies being an owner of either Madron or F.F.U., the plaintiffs say he runs both companies and essentially used them as checking accounts.

79.   While Microsoft has said it is open to settlement discussions, it has essentially ruled out most everything the plaintiffs have said they are likely to propose.

80.   Yes, says the plaintiff, I am a de facto parent as defined by the SJC.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
plaintiff 0.03%
plaintiff + v. >>共 273
be 12.40%
say 8.25%
have 5.50%
seek 3.96%
claim 3.26%
argue 2.81%
sue 2.75%
allege 2.24%
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win 1.98%
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