71.   He said a clearer picture is already emerging on the quantity and locations of chemical weapon activities in the world, both in the past and present.

72.   Instead, many investors preferred to stay on the sidelines to wait for a more definitive picture to emerge.

73.   No clear picture has yet emerged about who leads the shadowy group.

74.   Outside that security zone, through middle-class neighborhoods, a different picture emerged.

75.   The picture emerges from articles in state-run newspapers, interviews with officials and visits Friday to Baghdad schools.

76.   They said they expect a clearer picture will emerge once the elections has been held.

77.   Unfortunately, a picture emerges of relentless pressure, demands, difficulties, headaches and challenges.

78.   He said a clearer picture would emerge in two weeks when the group unveiled proposals following internal consultations.

79.   A picture of horror emerged as survivors spoke of being pummelled by heavy rain and winds as their pilot battled a fierce storm on the approach to Huangtian airport.

80.   Amid claim and counter-claim, a picture has emerged of high-level multi-million-dollar wheeling and dealing.

n. + emerge >>共 1575
detail 2.37%
evidence 2.28%
pattern 1.97%
sign 1.65%
picture 1.46%
report 1.44%
leader 1.41%
consensus 1.36%
difference 1.29%
problem 1.29%
picture + v. >>共 451
be 38.68%
show 9.62%
include 2.70%
emerge 2.27%
look 2.22%
appear 2.05%
have 1.89%
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come 1.84%
become 1.76%
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