71.   However, she added, UN peacekeepers had no indications on the ground that the Serbs were withdrawing their weapons.

72.   If the arms embargo is lifted, the United Nations has warned its peacekeepers would have to withdraw from Bosnia.

73.   However, she added that UN peacekeepers had no indications on the ground that the Serbs were withdrawing their weapons.

74.   In Brussels, NATO said Wednesday it expected Karadzic and Mladic to stand trial in The Hague one day, even though its peacekeepers had yet to capture either.

75.   Administration officials notified Congress last week that UN peacekeepers had left behind boxes containing US intelligence material during their evacuation from Somalia.

76.   And in Washington, NATO Secretary-General Willy Claes warned that peacekeepers would have to pull out immediately if Washington unilaterally lifted the arms embargo in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

77.   The truck, driven by Bangladeshi UN peacekeepers had its window screen smashed, but there were no injuries.

78.   The Ukrainian peacekeepers have only light arms and in Zepa, some of these have been snatched by the local defenders.

79.   The United Nations has warned that if the arms embargo was lifted, UN peacekeepers would have to withdraw from Bosnia.

80.   UN peacekeepers no longer have to show passes or ask permission, saving the endless delays which plagued the route previously.

n. + have >>共 1318
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people 1.78%
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official 0.95%
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player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
peacekeeper 0.04%
peacekeeper + v. >>共 432
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say 3.59%
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leave 3.42%
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