71.   Stalin permitted only the Russian church to survive, partly because it was easier to control one church than to try to stamp out all organized religion.

72.   Still, members of the clergy worry about the impact that missteps and sins have on organized religion.

73.   The church, which does not worship any God, is opposed to other organized religions and has faith only in the white race.

74.   The court also said the law granted preference to members of organized religions, but not to non-members with their own beliefs.

75.   The government disapproved of organized religion and treated church members with automatic suspicion, but grudgingly tolerated churches, many of which became shelters for open thinking.

76.   The last few weeks have been less than harmonious as organized religion again grappled with how the faithful should behave in a time of shifting values.

77.   The onetime government doctor is a feminist and an atheist, a novelist and poet, a creator of erotic imagery and critic of organized religion.

78.   The prisoner, who did not claim membership of any organized religion, cited a number of Bible passages in his suit.

79.   The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. found strength to fight for civil rights through his belief in the God preached from the pulpits of organized religion.

80.   The struggle against organized religion is lonely.

a. + religion >>共 428
organized 5.95%
different 4.18%
state 4.07%
traditional 3.19%
new 2.92%
official 2.56%
major 2.40%
the 1.62%
eastern 1.57%
islamic 1.46%
organized + n. >>共 556
labor 26.86%
religion 4.70%
group 4.58%
opposition 2.43%
sport 1.90%
protest 1.73%
activity 1.69%
effort 1.65%
gang 1.57%
tour 1.49%
每页显示:    共 113