71.   This means a lot of popping CD-ROMs in and out of the drive, aggravating enough for us old folks, torture for a kid.

72.   This is the party that suggests abandoning the very concept of Medicare and giving old folks vouchers to negotiate with profit-making private insurance companies.

73.   To the current generation of young people, Berry, the Killer and Little Richard may seem like candidates for an old folks home.

74.   Up on a balcony, two teen-agers who look like Britney Spears rest their elbows on pillows as they look down pitilessly on the old folks strolling around.

75.   Until then, newspapers here are documenting in excruciating detail the preparations of cities, old folks clubs and religious groups.

76.   We see the youngsters at school and the old folks at home, taunting and teasing a self-conscious child.

77.   We speak with local opthalmologists, the National Eye Institute and other experts to try and gauge whether old folks are getting a bad rap here.

78.   When old folks get together and talk about young people, they sometimes shake their heads and complain that boys these days are studious, law-abiding sissies.

79.   When a hastily summoned squad of state patrolmen arrived to escort the governor to his desk, the old folks locked arms and refused to budge.

80.   Where contemporary pop music idolizes the adolescent, world music still prizes old folks.

a. + folk >>共 448
old 7.22%
ordinary 6.91%
black 5.54%
common 3.73%
older 3.61%
regular 3.55%
young 2.61%
local 2.43%
good 2.18%
home 2.12%
old + n. >>共 1367
friend 4.16%
day 3.78%
one 2.74%
woman 1.55%
people 1.29%
system 1.26%
way 1.20%
house 1.18%
building 1.06%
lady 0.87%
folk 0.31%
每页显示:    共 115