71.   Time had intended to publish a cover story on religion, but pulled it when news of the accident broke.

72.   Tuesday, when the news broke, Fonda was spotted at the CNN Center, where the couple has a penthouse apartment.

73.   We knew nothing about it until the news broke that he had made campaign contributions.

74.   When news of how Adam had been conceived broke last year, it caused convulsions around the world.

75.   When news of the pending sales broke in February, it concerned investors and analysts.

76.   When news of this torture broke two years ago, it unleashed racial tensions pent up in this multi-cultural city for over a decade.

77.   When the news broke, appropriately in the middle of the night, a young, naive reporter dared to call Auerbach for a quote.

78.   When the news broke, Gapper called the airline, worried that he would have to kill the article.

79.   When the news of his death broke around noon, the Italian Banking Association interrupted a meeting for a minute of silence.

80.   When the news broke on Tuesday, television anchors set their faces in a straight line and mumbled the tiny horror, a story without details.

n. + break >>共 1749
scandal 3.30%
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man 1.59%
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story 1.39%
company 1.36%
cloud 1.10%
rebel 1.04%
news + v. >>共 512
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come 8.30%
break 2.65%
report 1.84%
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