71.   Althogh opinion polls show a majority of Australians favor voluntary euthanasia, Prime Minister John Howard and many other national politicians oppose it on moral grounds.

72.   Among other things, she ordered the sale of luxury government cars that proliferated under Estrada and banned a controversial film on moral grounds.

73.   But the newspaper said the attack was justified on moral grounds.

74.   Citing moral grounds, the Malaysian government refused permission Friday for a Taiwanese politician embroiled in a video-recorded sex scandal to hold a concert.

75.   Dent, who is card carrying member of the governing Liberal Party but not a legislator, said he had changed his mind on moral grounds.

76.   Indian opposition lawmakers said the defense minister must quit on moral grounds because of the reported financial impropriety.

77.   Last month officials in neighboring Malaysia refused to grant Chu permission to hold a similar concert on moral grounds.

78.   Standing his moral ground, Clinton was reported to have said that oral sex is not adultery.

79.   That administration, dominated by an Islamic-oriented party, campaigned against them on moral grounds.

80.   The disclosures shook Israel, a country of citizen soldiers raised in the belief that they hold the high moral ground on the battlefield with the Arab armies.

a. + ground >>共 1305
new 5.71%
higher 3.65%
training 3.00%
fertile 2.73%
lost 2.63%
humanitarian 2.45%
legal 2.19%
burial 1.96%
fishing 1.52%
solid 1.34%
moral 1.09%
moral + n. >>共 945
support 5.69%
value 3.95%
authority 3.81%
issue 3.24%
victory 2.52%
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ground 1.80%
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