71.   Many fear the US military, wanting to minimize its losses, will use a sledgehammer to squash a fly.

v. + loss >>共 682
suffer 8.96%
take 3.57%
offset 3.48%
cause 3.23%
report 3.05%
post 2.58%
cover 2.54%
face 2.08%
pare 2.07%
cut 2.00%
minimize 0.72%
minimize + n. >>共 486
risk 10.28%
damage 5.93%
impact 5.09%
loss 3.51%
chance 3.36%
effect 2.77%
casualty 2.37%
problem 1.88%
cost 1.83%
possibility 1.73%
每页显示:    共 71