71.   German officials said Monday that Moscow had postponed joint military maneuvers designed to promote closer ties.

72.   Giuliani also supports an end to military maneuvers on the island.

73.   He also announced plans to scale back on the number of military maneuvers this year, and use the saved funds to buy some of the homes.

74.   He said the exercise was not a military maneuver in which a contingency, or threat scenario, is acted out.

75.   His visit is to be followed by joint Georgian and Russian military maneuvers.

76.   In a press statement, Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai said relations with Turkey which includes joint military maneuvers were not aimed at any third party.

77.   In recent weeks, Sudan has accused Egypt of holding military maneuvers in the contested strip and of blocking water from Sudanese living there.

78.   In response, the Yugoslav federal army held military maneuvers on its side of the Danube River, which forms the border with Serbia and Croatia.

79.   In Taiwan, Defense Ministry Tang Fei reiterated Taiwan did not detect any irregular Chinese military maneuvers.

80.   In Taiwan, Defense Minister Tang Fei reiterated Taiwan did not detect any irregular Chinese military maneuvers.

a. + maneuver >>共 406
military 14.20%
joint 7.20%
legal 4.57%
naval 3.67%
political 3.19%
parliamentary 3.05%
such 1.39%
chinese 1.39%
procedural 1.32%
difficult 1.25%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
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source 2.12%
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每页显示:    共 204