71.   These meetings are a total drag.

72.   That meeting was way too long.

73.   In answer to your question, our next meeting will be on Friday.

74.   The meeting will be brief.

75.   Our meeting was pure happenstance.

76.   The meeting was strictly pro forma, since the decision had already been made.

77.   Criticism of SLORC during the election campaign was banned, as were meetings of more than five people, and all speeches were subject to official vetting.

78.   The meeting was the first of a series sponsored by the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

79.   I understand that there is to be a meeting on Tuesday next to decide whether or not to close Garstang Magistrates Court.

80.   This meeting is famous for reasons not strictly historical.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
meeting 0.17%
meeting + v. >>共 572
be 29.10%
take 11.28%
come 4.37%
end 2.99%
discuss 2.66%
begin 2.51%
go 2.01%
follow 1.89%
focus 1.69%
include 1.64%
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