71.   But most manufacturers have been a step behind.

72.   But since manufacturers are big energy users, consuming more than any other sector of the economy, higher costs hit them especially hard.

73.   But manufacturers are unlovable and have much deeper pockets, and thus make easier targets.

74.   But some manufacturers are reluctant to teach English to immigrants, including a growing population of Hmongs from Laos.

75.   But the company is more dependent on a single product than almost any other major drug manufacturer is.

76.   But the difference now is that the manufacturers are a lot more overt about marketing things, about being collectible.

77.   But the manufacturers were unable to produce data showing that this confusion had caused widespread problems with the many nonprescription allergy drugs already available to consumers.

78.   But the well-established airplane manufacturer is on a fast track.

79.   Buyers and retailers are getting a sneak preview of the innovative equipment and apparel manufacturers will soon be mass producing.

80.   By contrast, though there have been plenty of disputes in the industry during the development of digital television, every television manufacturer will be aggressively marketing HDTVs.

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manufacturer + v. >>共 730
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