71.   Speaking at a joint press conference with Prime Minister John Howard, Gusmao said the two men had discussed the disputed boundary during talks earlier Monday.

72.   The men discussed how to open avenues for humanitarian relief and begin talks in Kabul about the new government.

73.   The men discussed racial tension after the Watts riots and Johnson complained about opposition in Congress to some of his anti-poverty initiatives.

74.   The men discussed the ballot as they sipped tea.

75.   The men discussed these proposals, as well as terrorism in Colombia, said Tapias.

76.   The men discussed ways of reinforcing the implementation of United Nations sanctions against the rebel group, UNITA, and its leader Jonas Savimbi to break the lengthy impasse.

77.   The men also discussed international developments, the agency said, without elaborating.

78.   The men also discussed new restrictions on special police units in the Serb-controlled half of Bosnia.

79.   The men discussed the stalled Israeli-Arab peace process, regional terrorism and the need to continue monitoring Iran and Iraq, Cohen said.

80.   The two men also discussed a possible five-way Arab summit, the agency said.

n. + discuss >>共 652
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man + v. >>共 806
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