71.   Health insurance will provide against loss of income if you become ill.

72.   Her friend was sorrowing over the loss of a child.

73.   Here it probably happened by sailing into the steep wave resulting in a sudden loss of speed.

74.   His death was a promise broken, the loss of the most consistent witness to her life as an artist.

75.   His long body was still intact even as they noticed a dramatic loss of shape.

76.   However, the sudden chill loss of her also made him uneasy.

77.   However, with a flotation come outside shareholders and a proportionate loss of control.

78.   Hundreds of the aircraft are on order, but loss of the Northwest batch is a serious setback.

79.   I had an acute sense of the absence of Alison, of the probably permanent loss of her.

80.   I had been so in love with her, and a part of me needed to mourn that loss of feeling.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
loss 0.31%
loss + p. >>共 61
of 42.75%
in 14.83%
to 13.64%
for 5.69%
on 4.97%
from 3.79%
at 2.90%
by 2.53%
as 1.30%
against 1.03%
每页显示:    共 8057