71.   In fact, in the immediate post-op period the donor is suffering from borderline liver failure.

72.   In June, American Home Products pulled Duract, a painkiller, over fears that it had caused liver failure in four patients.

73.   In some cases, the disease causes kidney and liver failure and death.

74.   In her sixth month, she developed pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure with the potential for both kidney and liver failure.

75.   In tests since the FDA approved Felbatol for market, the drug has been linked to liver failure and to causing a blood disorder.

76.   In some cases, the agency says, the liver failure happened so fast that even close monitoring would not have prevented it.

77.   In some cases, the disease can lead to kidney and liver failure.

78.   In toxic doses, however, it can lead to liver damage, liver failure and even death.

79.   It has since undergone several product warning label modifications, after some patients died of liver failure and others complained of side effects to their liver.

80.   Jill McCrae, pregnant with quintuplets, was on the verge of liver failure at the University of North Carolina Medical Center.

a. + failure >>共 628
mechanical 11.21%
liver 6.41%
respiratory 4.50%
renal 3.10%
corporate 2.44%
recent 2.09%
technical 1.79%
complete 1.64%
past 1.61%
total 1.40%
liver + n. >>共 148
transplant 15.89%
disease 15.38%
cancer 11.89%
failure 11.02%
damage 7.53%
problem 3.74%
function 3.02%
cell 2.61%
enzyme 2.51%
ailment 2.41%
每页显示:    共 214