71.   In June, volunteers followed the female turtles as they left the pond in the evening to lay their eggs.

72.   In early autumn, the adult moths emerge and lay their eggs in the leaf litter, and the cycle begins again.

73.   In the spring, he writes, the beetles lay their eggs just below the surface of the desert.

74.   In some parasitic wasp species, the mother will lay several eggs in a host.

75.   It was a beautiful moonlit night, full moon, and thousands of horseshoe crabs were coming up on the beach to lay their eggs.

76.   Jim surmised that the fish were taking adult caddis flies that took advantage of the brief, still periods to lay their eggs on the surface.

77.   Karner blue butterflies will lay their eggs only on lupine stalks, and their caterpillars eat only lupine leaves.

78.   Lay the eggs on the sauce-spread tortillas.

79.   Lane said the cloud of insects flying around the plants are adults, and they will lay eggs on the plant.

80.   Mature plantings are seldom troubled by asparagus beetles, because those early-spring spears are usually harvested and eaten before the beetle can lay its eggs on them.

v. + egg >>共 413
lay 7.86%
lie 7.22%
add 6.98%
beat 4.56%
fertilize 3.27%
throw 3.27%
whisk 2.14%
eat 1.94%
use 1.94%
produce 1.81%
lie + n. >>共 431
groundwork 12.17%
claim 11.27%
egg 9.56%
foundation 5.98%
wreath 5.02%
blame 3.42%
hand 2.72%
face 2.72%
siege 1.92%
charge 1.33%
每页显示:    共 178