71.   It was also possible that Peres would meet PLO chief negotiator Nabil Shaath in Cairo soon as part of the joint liaison committee, Shek added.

72.   Letsie attributed the improvement to the work of district liaison committees set up by Lesotho and South Africa.

73.   Palestinian police had complained to a joint liaison committee, the colonel said, calling the Israeli action illegal inside the self-rule area.

74.   Palestinian members of the joint liaison committee protested to Israeli military officials over the incident, Palestinian sources said.

75.   PLO brigadier general Zia al-Atrash, who sits on the Israel-PLO joint security liaison committee, also went into the hill-top building.

76.   Peres and PLO chief negotiator Nabil Shaath were heading their delegations at a session of the Israeli-Palestinian liaison committee, which monitors progress in the peace process.

77.   PLO chief Yasser Arafat and Peres decided during a telephone conversation last Tuesday to hold the meeting of the Israel-Palestinian liaison committee.

78.   PLO chief Yasser Arafat and Peres decided during a telephone conversation Tuesday to stage the meeting of the Israel-Palestinian liaison committee.

79.   Shaath also said the Palestinian-Israeli liaison committee, which convenes to overcome problems and delays in implementing autonomy, would meet next Wednesday in Cairo.

80.   Shaath and Peres co-chair the Israeli-PLO liaison committee which oversees all the autonomy negotiations and tries to settle disputes.

n. + committee >>共 822
conference 10.34%
ethic 6.04%
selection 4.06%
sanction 3.77%
search 3.43%
bid 2.51%
budget 2.01%
government 1.93%
campaign 1.86%
management 1.70%
liaison 1.21%
liaison + n. >>共 54
office 44.91%
officer 25.22%
committee 9.96%
team 3.68%
bureau 1.41%
meeting 1.41%
mission 1.19%
group 1.08%
official 0.97%
chairman 0.76%
每页显示:    共 92