71.   Uncomfortable as the governor may have been with the budget process while it was under way, it left him free to veto whatever he disliked.

72.   Under more moderate controls, rent increases are limited only while tenants occupy the units, leaving landlords free to charge more when they become vacant.

73.   Under the state law the judge was obliged to consider the recommendation but was left free to reject it.

74.   When Southern Baptists created their own denomination, it left them free to own slaves.

75.   A court on Wednesday lifted restrictions on him, leaving him free to leave the country.

76.   A Rome court Wednesday lifted restrictions on Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, leaving him free to leave the country.

77.   After months of wrangling, Premier Jean-Luc Dehaene announced Tuesday an agreement to create a new national police force that leaves cities free to manage local forces.

78.   According to the report, the Tigers ordered people off the road to leave it free for their vehicles, which raced back and forth without offering assistance.

79.   And by concentrating only on Kosovo, the agreement leaves him free to deal with Montenegro and domestic critics as he wishes.

80.   Angering the Turkish government, a Rome court Wednesday lifted restrictions on Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, leaving him free to leave the country.

v. + free >>共 42
set 53.85%
leave 10.81%
keep 4.61%
declare 4.61%
cut 3.76%
get 3.76%
pull 3.20%
make 2.91%
shake 2.07%
consider 1.69%
leave + a. >>共 1138
alone 8.21%
open 6.03%
unchanged 3.85%
vulnerable 3.36%
homeless 2.39%
unable 2.28%
untouched 2.07%
early 2.03%
vacant 1.82%
unattended 1.68%
free 1.60%
每页显示:    共 114