71.   In general, she said, every situation is unique and lawmakers will have to tread carefully to avoid over-reaching.

72.   In the end, lawmakers had little choice but to support the deployment.

73.   In those rare times in the life of the nation when a true crisis looms, lawmakers have a way of ending their bickering with breathtaking dispatch.

74.   Indeed, if lawmakers have their way, an otherwise law-abiding citizen could be dogged by a single juvenile arrest for the rest of his life.

75.   Lawmakers also have statutory authority to impose a settlement on Amtrak and the track workers union.

76.   Lawmakers had different reasons for voting no.

77.   Lawmakers had little more luck prodding Greenspan to endorse any of the stimulus packages being debated on Capitol Hill.

78.   Lawmakers have little doubt that the next president, whether it is Gore or Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, will continue the pattern of past presidents.

79.   Lawmakers have until mid-March to file bills without special permission from colleagues.

80.   Lawmakers should have to pay if they let slide a chance to impose charter-school accountability.

n. + have >>共 1318
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lawmaker + v. >>共 977
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