71.   The two tourists say they acted in self defense, and have filed law suits against the waiters, local media reported.

72.   The town has filed several law suits against Motor Oil over the site.

73.   The widows of two soldiers killed following a July coup said Tuesday they were filing law suits against Cambodian leader Hun Sen because they wanted to fight for justice.

74.   Tini said that her foundation would study the legality of the project to decide whether to prepare a law suit.

75.   Two other sprinters banned with Krabbe, Manuela Derr and Grit Breuer, on Wednesday withdrew their law suits.

76.   Wilander has threatened a large law suit if the tennis body goes through with the case.

77.   Growing numbers of former landowners whose property was confiscated and distributed to others have been able to recover their lands after winning law suits.

78.   He filed a law suit against the Dongcheng public security bureau branch in July, it said.

79.   He also welcomed the decision by cigarette manufacturer Liggett to settle a class action law suit in which smokers were seeking damages for addiction.

80.   However, wary of possible law suits, the United States insisted the responsibility did not lie with governments alone.

n. + suit >>共 564
class-action 10.37%
business 10.23%
libel 5.91%
discrimination 3.33%
defamation 2.81%
law 2.75%
malpractice 2.20%
shareholder 1.93%
track 1.79%
damage 1.76%
law + n. >>共 320
enforcement 14.88%
firm 11.80%
official 11.75%
school 8.22%
agency 6.62%
professor 5.37%
officer 4.85%
degree 3.75%
student 2.39%
authority 2.09%
suit 0.78%
每页显示:    共 99