71.   Gore and Bradley, his rival for the Democratic nomination, support the provisions in the Senate version of the juvenile crime bill.

72.   Hatch introduced the current legislation, and Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., attached the measure to a big juvenile crime bill.

73.   Hatch, the main sponsor of the juvenile crime bill, joined Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., as a co-sponsor of the safety device amendment.

74.   He added that a dramatic rise in juvenile crime has made people feel less safe than they did four years ago.

75.   He also outlined plans for action against sex offenders, preventing domestic violence, curbing juvenile crime, cracking down on guns and helping local communities fight crime.

76.   Grandstanding against juvenile crime, Congress is on the verge of adopting policies that guarantee us more adult criminals.

77.   He cited Superfund legislation, local education and juvenile crime as among the most promising topics.

78.   He had become one more teacher lost to New York City, one more cost exacted by juvenile crime.

79.   He added that public sentiments about the severity of the juvenile crime problem belie statistics indicating that existing reforms already have made a positive impact.

a. + crime >>共 993
violent 14.30%
serious 5.74%
juvenile 3.08%
alleged 2.89%
rising 2.83%
organised 2.58%
street 2.35%
federal 2.31%
political 2.02%
high 1.94%
juvenile + n. >>共 295
crime 17.31%
justice 10.84%
detention 10.84%
offender 8.74%
record 2.57%
facility 2.40%
prison 2.16%
criminal 1.62%
case 1.56%
center 1.44%
每页显示:    共 287