71.   They swap crayons and markers to put finishing touches on their cars before putting them into a display case to be judged for looks.

72.   Those who dote on this sort of cult movie will have to judge for themselves.

73.   Ultimately, he will be judged for his sins by that tribunal before which we all must stand one day.

74.   Vice presidential nominees should be judged primarily for their ability to work with the presidential candidate and to take over in the White House if necessary.

75.   Wells is a shrewd salesman, which is why his talk about changing should not be judged for a few months.

76.   While girls learn early on they will be judged for their looks, boys learn that athleticism equals attractiveness.

77.   You can judge for yourself when Fort Worth Theatre presents the play next year.

78.   You, Mr. and Mrs. Video Viewer, can judge for yourself whether that was a smart move.

79.   Perez called for NATO Secretary General Javier Solana to be judged for war crimes before an international tribunal.

80.   A lawyer for the newspaper argued at a hearing Wednesday that editors should be able to judge for themselves.

v. + for >>共 935
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use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
judge 0.04%
judge + p. >>共 43
by 36.30%
from 31.63%
on 14.55%
for 4.49%
in 3.83%
as 2.71%
against 1.29%
at 1.16%
on_the_basis_of 0.53%
with 0.40%
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