71.   Growing urbanization, which turns children from economic asset to burden, and increasing job opportunities for women have helped reduce the birth rate.

72.   Had she ruled in favor of the mining industry to curry favor for such a job opportunity?

73.   He called for greater government efforts to combat poverty, expand health care and job opportunities and improve the environment and education.

74.   He coached YMCA teams, helped with schoolwork and even turned down job opportunities that would have involved travel.

75.   He had explored so many job opportunities in his quest to become a head football coach.

76.   He or she also helps to screen job opportunities, even to manage money or save face in difficult situations.

77.   He called the shots, gathering his siblings and parents together in vacation houses, throwing job opportunities at loyal buddies.

78.   He can move Newark forward with better schools, more job opportunities and more hope for prosperity for all Newark residents.

79.   He considers this a premium job opportunity.

80.   He said at least two other reporters had job opportunities arise, only to have them squashed by contractual obligations.

n. + opportunity >>共 412
business 17.60%
investment 13.89%
job 12.51%
employment 6.46%
career 3.75%
growth 3.56%
power-play 2.45%
market 2.34%
trade 1.67%
work 1.04%
job + n. >>共 366
cut 10.78%
loss 7.03%
security 6.51%
market 6.43%
growth 5.54%
creation 4.32%
offer 3.38%
training 3.04%
opportunity 2.84%
report 2.66%
每页显示:    共 335