71.   An issue for Encores!

72.   An ongoing issue for the organization is its effort to persuade lawmakers to include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR, in secondary school curricula.

73.   And expense has recently become a real issue for urban counties, with the apparent exception of Harris County, Levy said.

74.   An issue for both guides and clients is a willingness to bail out.

75.   And it cannot help but be an issue for the big corporate customers who will have an expanding choice of service providers.

76.   And he and John F. Kennedy did not have the issue for the campaign.

77.   And consistency has been an issue for the Knicks.

78.   And now the ensuing flap legitimately reopens the trust issue for Romney.

79.   And Republicans, even those who did not want to see Foster confirmed, complained that Sens. Gramm and Bob Dole were exploiting the issue for their presidential campaigns.

80.   And he has put together a report, which is the first report from his office on suicide as a major issue for the American public.

n. + for >>共 1471
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issue + p. >>共 76
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as 3.33%
on 2.84%
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