71.   Since then, the Iraqi government has barred U.N. inspectors from returning, demanding instead that sanctions be lifted immediately.

72.   Some of these groups are almost certainly taking part in a separate set of covert operations against the Iraqi government organized and financed by the CIA.

73.   Speculation abounded soon after the first anthrax letters were found in September that the Iraqi government might somehow be involved.

74.   Some nations, like France and Russia, oppose the sanctions because they want to develop commercial interests in Iraq or are owed money by the Iraqi government.

75.   That embarrassing lapse was not entirely his fault, since IAEA inspectors at the time had authority to inspect only installations acknowledged by the Iraqi government.

76.   The administration also wants to bring down the Iraqi government, but Saddam Hussein seems remarkably resilient and the opposition divided and weak.

77.   The corporate claims include unpaid contracts with the Iraqi government and state-owned industries from before the war.

78.   The delegation is working with Life for Relief and Development, a Michigan group that has permission from the U.S. and Iraqi governments to conduct relief projects.

79.   The fighters were attacking Iranian opposition groups operating in Iraq and were not targeting the Iraqi government.

80.   The Iraqi government argues that the American-led embargo on the sale of its oil has caused its people critical shortages of food and medicine.

a. + government >>共 549
federal 8.18%
new 5.93%
local 3.51%
bosnian 3.49%
japanese 2.41%
state 2.17%
israeli 2.00%
british 1.96%
chinese 1.85%
russian 1.85%
iraqi 0.73%
iraqi + n. >>共 547
official 7.02%
government 5.42%
oil 4.96%
leader 4.90%
opposition 4.00%
troop 3.64%
force 2.64%
people 2.54%
authority 1.85%
capital 1.65%
每页显示:    共 694