71.   Investigating judges want to question Chirac in several corruption scandals.

72.   Investigating judge Christine Junod told The Associated Press that the commission was seeking information from Canadian authorities and from Swissair.

73.   Investigating judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet said Lazarenko had agreed to stay in contact with Geneva authorities as one of the conditions for his release.

74.   Investigating judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet said Lazarenko, being held in Geneva, was charged with offenses committed while he was head of the Ukrainian government.

75.   It said that immediately after the fighting ended Friday afternoon, an investigating judge arrived at the scene but was prevented by new KLA fire from investigating the deaths.

76.   It had been begun in December by an investigating judge.

77.   Judicial wiretaps are legal in France if ordered by an investigating judge.

78.   Lt. Col. Marcel Zeeuw was involved in two smuggling operations, prosecutors told an investigating judge in The Hague.

79.   Meanwhile, police said TVM masseur Jann Moors, being held in custody, would be questioned Friday by an investigating judge in the city of Lille.

80.   Menem, accused of leading the smuggling ring, was placed under house arrest for six months last year by an investigating judge.

a. + judge >>共 731
federal 31.67%
presiding 3.91%
the 3.55%
state 3.30%
french 2.64%
former 2.50%
chief 2.38%
new 1.70%
military 1.70%
investigating 1.66%
investigating + n. >>共 63
magistrate 27.08%
judge 21.47%
officer 9.78%
team 8.01%
committee 6.89%
commission 5.77%
panel 3.53%
agency 1.60%
authority 1.28%
subcommittee 0.96%
每页显示:    共 133