71.   His office twice investigated complaints of abuse at the home, but in both instances concluded there was no evidence of wrongdoing.

72.   In fact, the board is investigating a complaint made against a medical director for denial of care.

73.   In July, the Senate Finance Committee hired Bruce Strauss, a former IRS district manager, to investigate complaints by the whistle-blowers about continuing harassment.

74.   In her brief testimony, Shahravan also apologized to the Dallas Police Department for the time officers spent investigating her complaint.

75.   In many cases, the complaints are investigated, but patients cannot learn the results because doctors block disclosure of the findings.

76.   In Broward County, the district office assigns supervisors to investigate complaints against employees, unless the accusation involves a crime, said George Warren, labor relations manager.

77.   In recent years, the FCC has policed basic and expanded rates by investigating consumer complaints.

78.   In the Capitol restroom incident, the Senate Ethics Committee refused to investigate the complaint, but urged Abernathy to give the woman a written apology.

79.   In this case, at least, the Army seems to have moved quickly and energetically to investigate complaints of sexual abuse.

80.   In the Prudential case, state regulators played a key role by investigating the complaints of customers who were rebuffed by the securities firm.

v. + complaint >>共 461
file 22.14%
receive 8.83%
have 6.65%
lodge 4.88%
investigate 4.68%
hear 3.37%
make 3.22%
follow 3.03%
take 2.33%
dismiss 1.92%
investigate + n. >>共 593
case 6.99%
allegation 6.81%
incident 6.30%
cause 4.60%
report 4.18%
complaint 2.67%
claim 2.42%
death 2.36%
accident 2.25%
charge 2.22%
每页显示:    共 327