71.   Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation was one of the cornerstones of interim peace accords.

72.   Kosovo Albanians might sign an interim peace accord ahead of schedule, one of their top leaders said Friday.

73.   Kosovo Albanian representatives might sign an interim peace accord ahead of schedule, a top ethnic Albanian leader said Friday.

74.   Negotiators met for over three hours in a Jerusalem hotel but did not announce any dates for the implementation of three interim peace issues.

75.   Netanyahu said Wednesday that interim peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinians specifically rule out such unilateral declarations, reserving statehood to be settled between the two sides.

76.   Netanyahu told reporters they will discuss forming teams to negotiate unresolved issues from the interim peace agreements.

77.   Palestinian and Israeli negotiators were to resume interim peace talks Sunday in Jerusalem.

78.   Palestinian militants have carried out suicide bombings and drive-by shootings in Israel in hopes of wrecking interim peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinians.

79.   Palestinians say the construction violates the interim peace agreements because it establishes facts on the ground that prejudice the outcome of talks on a permanent peace accord.

80.   Rabin was an architect of the original interim peace accords between Israel and the Palestinians.

a. + peace >>共 587
international 5.25%
nato-led 4.56%
lasting 3.79%
final 3.58%
bosnian 3.53%
new 3.40%
permanent 3.06%
arab-israeli 2.84%
stalled 2.81%
fragile 1.95%
interim 1.16%
interim + n. >>共 423
government 21.05%
administration 5.76%
president 5.60%
coach 5.60%
leader 5.44%
agreement 3.17%
basis 2.97%
period 2.72%
report 2.70%
peace 2.63%
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