71.   The Federal Trade Commission has a thorough collection of Web resources explaining identity theft and the options available to its victims.

72.   The growing reliance on fingerprinting has stirred little public opposition in a nation increasingly troubled by terrorism and identity theft.

73.   The FBI calls identity theft the fastest-growing white-collar crime in the United States.

74.   The Florida Department of Law Enforcement in June formed a task force targeting identity theft.

75.   The home sale racket is just one of the more innovative types of identity theft that officials have encountered.

76.   The letters not only were a shock to the recipients but another painful reminder of how prevalent identity theft has become.

77.   The most basic identity theft involves scammers rummaging through trash for credit card receipts or paying restaurant employees to poach numbers.

78.   The new policy, which is being phased in around the country, is designed to combat identity theft or just plain error.

79.   The official said that Saudi authorities were investigating whether some form of identity theft might have been involved.

80.   The letters not only shocked the receipients but were another painful reminder of how prevalent identity theft has become.

n. + theft >>共 171
car 29.13%
identity 11.97%
auto 9.96%
art 3.07%
vehicle 2.65%
employee 2.33%
felony 2.22%
computer 1.38%
cattle 1.27%
power 1.17%
identity + n. >>共 127
paper 29.03%
check 15.24%
document 11.96%
theft 10.90%
problem 2.89%
politics 2.51%
fraud 2.03%
thief 1.25%
parade 0.96%
number 0.96%
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