71.   Clinton sent the signed treaty to the Republican-led Senate two years ago, but conservatives had refused to hold debate on it before now.

72.   Democrats pleaded for a lesser penalty and objected to holding the debate while U.S. troops were in action.

73.   Earlier Monday, a spokesman for Chavalit said the prime minister wanted the opposition to hold the debate this week.

74.   He urged lawmakers to hold the debate Thursday as planned, or drop the motion altogether.

75.   If the last election is a guide, a stiff daytime debate will be held with minor party leaders taking up most of the time.

76.   Leaders had refused to hold debate on it before now.

77.   Lawmakers were scheduled to debate the so called media law on Tuesday but adjourned before they could hold debate.

78.   Meeting Monday, leaders of the various Duma factions decided to hold a debate Friday on whether the impeachment vote should be by secret or open ballot.

79.   No debate was held Friday.

80.   Mushahid Hussain, minister for information, said the federal Cabinet decided to hold parliamentary debate on CTBT in hopes of building a national consensus on the issue.

v. + debate >>共 586
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spark 4.44%
open 2.91%
hold 2.45%
end 2.15%
stir 1.97%
watch 1.81%
provoke 1.65%
fuel 1.56%
reopen 1.51%
hold + n. >>共 711
talk 13.23%
meeting 4.85%
election 4.61%
hearing 3.09%
hand 1.51%
position 1.44%
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每页显示:    共 106