71.   According to the treaty, the court would try suspects only when countries themselves fail to hold criminals accountable.

72.   Administrators should be held accountable for supporting good teachers and weeding out bad ones.

73.   Accountability means students should be held accountable for doing their homework and mastering their lessons.

74.   Activists have found these benchmarks crucial to holding governments accountable.

75.   Accountability, please Tim Brown said they need to be held accountable.

76.   Advocates for patients hailed the ruling, saying that it was a powerful tool in holding HMOs accountable.

77.   Advocates of charter schools said they are having success because they can experiment with different administrative and educational approaches for which they are held accountable.

78.   Afloat on a sea of production crises, the makers of this madly inflated action film have been held accountable for just about every imaginable sin.

79.   After all, they said, if the auditors and the ratings agencies sign off on the transactions, the bankers should not be held accountable.

80.   After decades of turmoil during which Guatemala compiled one of the most horrific human rights records in the hemisphere, many Guatemalans are demanding that someone be held accountable.

v. + accountable >>共 6
hold 93.12%
make 5.92%
keep 0.48%
find 0.24%
consider 0.12%
leave 0.12%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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