71.   Israel said it was sending a search-and-rescue team to Kenya to help free victims trapped in the rubble of the embassy building in Nairobi.

72.   It is the very essence of the big-hearted old New Deal in its assumption that government ought to try to help victims of its economic policies.

73.   Israeli officials said that three gunmen participated in the attack, and that they fired on cars near the settlement and rescue workers trying to help the victims.

74.   It was created by the United Way of New York City and the New York Community Trust to help victims of the terrorist attacks.

75.   Jamal Qaddura, who works at Indo European Foods in Arlington, Texas, said he would do anything to help the victims of the bombing.

76.   Like many Americans after the calamity at the World Trade Center, the cast wanted to do something to help the victims of the terrorist attacks.

77.   Like many Americans, the cast wanted to do something to help the victims of the terrorist attacks.

78.   Mc Phail Sr. has formed a nonprofit association, called Fredy Protects, that he says will seek to help crime victims.

79.   One is the growing American public awareness of the persecution of Christians and desire to help the victims.

80.   One witness, in particular, Keeler said, interceded and tried to help the victims.

v. + victim >>共 733
identify 7.49%
help 5.71%
kill 4.11%
treat 3.47%
compensate 2.79%
take 2.66%
shoot 2.53%
bury 2.42%
find 2.37%
claim 2.10%
help + n. >>共 1102
people 4.90%
child 2.66%
victim 2.16%
dollar 1.85%
team 1.77%
company 1.67%
family 1.66%
refugee 1.46%
economy 1.24%
stock 1.20%
每页显示:    共 356