71.   One of the enduring mysteries about crows is, why do they hang around for years to help parents or siblings raise young?

72.   The Clinton administration liked the provision that would help parents and others block violent television shows, but objected to the bill.

73.   The team created discussion groups and a worksheet to help parents, doctors and nurses recognize symptoms and treat them.

74.   The team created a worksheet to help parents, doctors and nurses recognize symptoms and treat them.

75.   An increasing number of children are forced to drop out and help their parents.

76.   Some campaigners argue that the original ruling was honestly inspired by a desire to help parents who bear a huge financial burden in bringing up a disabled child.

77.   Some campaigners argue that the Perruche ruling was honestly inspired by a desire to help parents who bear a huge financial burden in caring for a disabled child.

v. + parent >>共 681
have 4.42%
tell 4.42%
kill 3.02%
lose 2.88%
visit 2.80%
call 2.74%
see 2.55%
help 2.11%
include 1.98%
notify 1.59%
help + n. >>共 1102
people 4.90%
child 2.66%
victim 2.16%
dollar 1.85%
team 1.77%
company 1.67%
family 1.66%
refugee 1.46%
economy 1.24%
stock 1.20%
parent 0.47%
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