71.   Israeli helicopter gunships flew over the city center, emitting precautionary bursts of of fireworks-like, anti-missile flares.

72.   It seemed to many observers that the Israeli tactics of using helicopter gunships and what appeared to be indiscriminate automatic rifle fire did little to quell the conflict.

73.   Jet fighters have continuously circled the Kennedy Space Center, and Apache helicopter gunships have flown over the base.

74.   Its Rooivalk helicopter gunship is said to be the only helicopter in the world that can do a barrel roll, but it has found few customers.

75.   Kabul residents told news organizations that they heard the sound of helicopter gunships during the predawn attack on the hotel.

76.   Launching helicopter gunships into the battle will be a risky operation.

77.   Major Gen. Frank Hagenbeck, the operation commander, said attacks by helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers smashed groups of al-Qaida fighters fixed in place by ground forces.

78.   Meanwhile, Russian troops dodged sniper fire trying to tighten their noose on the battered Chechen capital as tanks and helicopter gunships continued to blast the city.

79.   Monday night, dozens of guerrillas were still holding out in caves above the village of Sir ed-Dniyeh where they were under attack from Lebanese helicopter gunships.

80.   Most have died in rock-throwing skirmishes with Israeli soldiers, who on Monday used anti-tank missiles and helicopter gunships on Palestinian rioters.

n. + gunship >>共 10
helicopter 97.54%
government 0.93%
army 0.68%
cobra 0.25%
airforce 0.17%
attack 0.08%
four-engine 0.08%
heliicopter 0.08%
operation 0.08%
special-forces 0.08%
helicopter + n. >>共 319
gunship 35.61%
pilot 6.41%
crash 5.58%
attack 4.31%
flight 3.81%
crew 3.69%
ship 1.77%
strike 1.64%
tour 1.55%
ride 1.55%
每页显示:    共 1142