71.   Officials suspect a plane or helicopter may have dropped them.

72.   On Wednesday, helicopters dropped flame retardant to keep the fires from spreading to the ruins.

73.   Other soldiers in boats moved in to pluck survivors from the muddy waters while helicopters dropped life jackets.

74.   Russian helicopters dropped lea flets Monday outlining the agreement and appealing to the Chechens to stop fighting, news agencies said.

75.   Residents and refugees, meanwhile, said U.S. helicopters dropped food packages early Friday for the Herat displaced.

76.   Rioters burned a police station, while officers fired at them and a helicopter dropped tear gas canisters.

77.   Sharon, however, vowed to fight on for now, and witnesses said helicopters dropped off Israeli soldiers outside more Palestinian villages early Sunday.

78.   Russian helicopters dropped leaflets Monday outlining the agreement and appealing to the Chechens to stop fighting, news agencies said.

79.   Six helicopters were dropping water on the fire, which broke out Sunday for unknown reasons.

80.   Soldiers were being dropped by helicopters onto the roof, Turk said.

n. + drop >>共 1591
price 8.40%
stock 3.41%
temperature 2.39%
prosecutor 2.38%
rate 2.11%
plane 2.00%
government 1.63%
helicopter 1.51%
share 1.51%
sale 1.44%
helicopter + v. >>共 423
fly 10.78%
crash 7.17%
be 7.12%
hover 5.83%
take 4.77%
fire 4.68%
evacuate 2.74%
circle 2.45%
land 2.45%
drop 2.13%
每页显示:    共 126