71.   Foreign diplomats say it is likely that heads will roll in an effort to find scapegoats after a highly publicized fight against corruption has proven to be largely ineffective.

72.   Heads have already rolled as a result of the incident.

73.   Heads rolled at UBS after a disastrous high-risk gamble with a U.S. hedge fund.

74.   In the time it takes to inhale, heads rolled.

75.   ING Group, a banking and insurance concern that bought Barings by assuming its liabilities, has said no heads will roll at Barings for the time being.

76.   It has said it wants to see a clean bill of health and morals at the European Commission or heads must roll.

77.   Officials at the EU head office privately speculated that heads would roll and expressed shock at the extent of irregularities.

78.   When heads rolled in the Kremlin this week, a curious thing happened in the streets outside.

79.   Whatever happens, some players expect heads to roll when the season ends.

80.   With every revamp, some heads have rolled, while others have left on their own.

n. + roll >>共 954
ball 6.49%
tank 3.43%
camera 3.26%
head 3.13%
car 2.56%
vehicle 2.00%
company 1.93%
time 1.86%
eye 1.80%
tear 1.80%
head + v. >>共 527
be 18.34%
coach 5.95%
roll 3.14%
turn 3.04%
say 2.31%
have 2.17%
spin 1.94%
hit 1.90%
prevail 1.87%
back 1.84%
每页显示:    共 93