71.   Group members also attacked Bush for loosening drinking-water protections and supporting oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

72.   Group members also told Bush that reductions stipulated by the treaty would do little to slow the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

73.   Group members and government officials said hundreds of adherents now travel to the Netherlands for weekend meetings since they can no longer congregate legally in Germany.

74.   Group members can stay in touch through a Web site or a listserv, a kind of mass mailing possible through e-mail.

75.   Group members in turn spent a portion of their holiday weekend writing me long, angry missives about my sundry shortcomings as a journalist and human being.

76.   Group members include the Keys chambers of commerce, recreational fishing guides, commercial fishermen, dive shop operators and environmentalists..

77.   Group members said he knew the Bible so well that they assumed he was studying to be a preacher.

78.   Group members said the Internet is a valuable resource for genealogists, but it has pitfalls.

79.   Group members say a great way to do that is to join a genealogy society in your community.

80.   Group members were also more likely to report support from co-workers for choosing low-fat diets and they believed that management cared about their nutrition.

n. + member >>共 330
crew 16.44%
staff 11.91%
committee 6.29%
team 5.42%
gang 5.31%
faculty 3.13%
opposition 3.06%
cult 2.49%
audience 2.20%
band 2.07%
group 1.81%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
每页显示:    共 376