71.   And it is safe to say that after Tuesday night, they will be remembered as a group for many Olympiads to come.

72.   And some have used their own resources and money from aid groups for agricultural research, seeking drought-resistant seeds and alternative crops.

73.   And the ruling could force large compensation payments to be made to native groups for the rights to the resources on the land.

74.   And the vice president had taken the opportunity to cultivate a prosperous immigrant group for the Democratic Party.

75.   And, of course, there are support groups for Melatonin users.

76.   And though they tend to adopt political or religious philosophies that color their violence, they often are drawn to terrorist groups for less noble reasons.

77.   Anytime you get the same group for three or four years, you get corruption.

78.   As a new outdoor season arrives, park officials are working with bicycling groups for the first time to open more trails.

79.   Are you happiest when organizing a group for a project, or perhaps when encouraging someone who feels hopeless about himself?

80.   As part of their deliberations they will consider a list of proposals from the ABAC group for further expanding trade and investment opportunities.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
group 0.18%
group + p. >>共 75
of 61.98%
in 11.90%
for 3.72%
with 2.85%
on 2.84%
from 2.35%
like 1.90%
as 1.64%
to 1.42%
such_as 1.35%
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