71.   The report accused police officers on duty that night of gross negligence, saying they were indifferent to calls for help.

72.   The ringleaders were found guilty of being members of a criminal organisation and of gross negligence, after the deaths of the immigrants.

73.   Nine people were jwere found guilty of being members of a criminal organisation and of gross negligence.

74.   South African Communist Party leader Charles Nqakula told mourners it was clear the accident had been caused by gross negligence.

75.   The man whose gun went off was arrested by police, who say he was guilty at least of gross negligence.

76.   The prosecutor appealed the sentences for gross negligence, seeking a manslaughter conviction instead.

77.   The prosecutor had appealed the sentences for gross negligence, seeking a manslaughter conviction instead.

a. + negligence >>共 75
criminal 23.72%
gross 17.91%
professional 10.00%
contributory 9.53%
alleged 3.95%
medical 3.72%
possible 3.26%
culpable 3.02%
official 2.09%
simple 1.63%
gross + n. >>共 292
product 40.01%
margin 8.93%
negligence 4.41%
income 2.46%
violation 2.35%
receipt 1.95%
misconduct 1.77%
revenue 1.72%
mismanagement 1.55%
profit 1.43%
每页显示:    共 77