71.   The government sent soldiers to the area where the rebels struck Thursday in the Dang district, but the insurgents had blocked the roads with logs.

72.   The government will also send a team of technicians to IMF headquarters in Washington next week, a ministry spokeswoman said.

73.   The government will send inspectors to the Newnan plant to ensure it is in compliance with food safety regulations.

74.   The government sends in the Rangers.

75.   The government sent in thousands of Army troops.

76.   The Georgian government sent a diplomatic note Thursday to the U.S. Embassy in the Georgian capital of Tblisi, saying it intends to recall Makharadze.

77.   The federal government has sent letters to hundreds of immigrants lacking citizenship informing them that they will be cut off from the program no later than this summer.

78.   The government has also sent mixed signals about its proposed contents.

79.   The government has sent negotiators to discuss a deal that would permit it to buy the disputed land and give it to the tribe.

80.   The government has sent teams of FBI agents, military medical officers and explosives experts to Kenya and Tanzania to aid in the investigation.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
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parent 1.19%
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country 1.12%
government + v. >>共 732
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