71.   Bosnian Serb media said the government had launched an attack aimed at isolating Serb positions in the area.

72.   Bosnian Serbs charged that the government had launched a strong offensive south of the city to cut a Serb supply line.

73.   Bowing to demands for democratic reform, the Indonesian government has launched the phased release of political prisoners, but the fate of Gusmao remains uncertain.

74.   Business is down these days in Darra Adam Kheil, since the government launched a recent anti-weapons drive.

75.   But about two years ago, the government launched a crackdown, alleging that the group was helping Islamic radicals, a charge the Brotherhood denies.

76.   But now the government is launching a drive to protect its treasures after an embarrassing probe found state workers were part of an international smuggling ring.

77.   But it dropped the birth rate so sharply that the government launched the Have Three and More if You Can Afford It campaign.

78.   But the test plans remain wildly unpopular at home and abroad, where several governments have launched punishing economic boycotts.

79.   But then the government launched an anti-inflation program called the Real Plan that ended four-digit inflation, stabilized prices and kept the currency strong.

80.   Chechen premier Stanislav Ilyasov said that the government would launch an investigation into the killings and dispatch a special commission to Starye Atagi.

n. + launch >>共 753
police 8.89%
force 7.75%
government 7.47%
authority 4.70%
company 4.37%
rebel 4.25%
army 3.79%
troop 3.63%
group 2.12%
official 1.98%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
launch 0.36%
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