71.   The rest belonged to fundamentalist religious groups that practice faith healing.

72.   The young men had hoisted a Palestinian flag and Hamas flag, representing the Islamic fundamentalist group, atop the mount, which the soldiers quickly took down.

73.   Their loyalties are mainly to Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization or to Hamas, the Islamic fundamentalist group.

74.   They said that his strategy would prove counterproductive and that it would bolster support for Islamic fundamentalist groups who had never believed in the peace effort.

75.   These remarks were reported to the local offices of a fundamentalist group that then filed a criminal complaint under the blasphemy law.

76.   They said that many fundamentalist groups were now operating without central command and independently of the Islamic Salvation Front.

77.   This, U.S. officials hope, will help turn Palestinians away from Hamas, an Islamic fundamentalist group that often espouses violence against Israel.

78.   To that end, it has looked for help toward Islam, specifically fundamentalist groups and governments in countries like Iran and Libya.

79.   We talk to a Palestinian Christian, a nun, a missionary for a fundamentalist group and academics on the different views of Israeli incursion.

80.   We have created sharp distinctions between religion and science, partly motivated by fundamentalist groups that believe them to be antithetical.

a. + group >>共 680
militant 5.43%
small 4.11%
islamic 3.72%
environmental 3.57%
ethnic 3.46%
terrorist 2.12%
the 2.11%
religious 1.85%
armed 1.77%
paramilitary 1.68%
fundamentalist 0.93%
fundamentalist + n. >>共 314
group 25.86%
movement 7.63%
leader 3.98%
party 3.48%
militant 3.36%
guerrilla 3.27%
militia 2.94%
regime 2.74%
government 1.86%
organization 1.74%
每页显示:    共 620