71.   Chavez granted Carmona free passage on Monday.

72.   Chavez continued his conciliatory tone by granting Carmona free passage to neighboring Colombia.

73.   The students want free passage out of the campus where they have been holed up since last Monday.

74.   The Taliban have banned petrol and diesel from entering Kabul but foodstuffs have free passage.

75.   These include further transfers of power in the West Bank, the creation of free passage corridors between self-rule areas and the opening of a Palestinian airport in Gaza.

76.   We call on the Bosnian government and all other parties to renew the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and to ensure the free passage of humanitarian assistance.

77.   Meanwhile UN aid trucks began moving through Serb-held areas after top-level protests to Serb leaders secured free passage guarantees for convoys blocked at Serb checkpoints.

78.   Muratovic appealed to the UN Security Council to give unconditional guarantees of free passage between the capital and the coast.

79.   Meanwhile, the UN Monday hit out at the Bosnian Serbs for welshing on a promise to allow free passage to fuel convoys.

80.   Needed first is a general ceasefire throughout Bosnia and the free passage of UN troops and aid convoys.

a. + passage >>共 621
safe 21.91%
final 9.40%
nasal 3.59%
free 3.40%
quick 2.21%
narrow 1.89%
easy 1.70%
biblical 1.38%
long 1.30%
congressional 1.30%
free + n. >>共 1035
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safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
passage 0.54%
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