71.   My foundation was all wrong.

72.   No decisions have been made about where the foundation will be located, Garner said.

73.   No longer are foundations as hospitable to touring programs.

74.   Next to the rusting hulks lies a sandy clearing, where the foundations for two more reactors were to have been poured.

75.   Once the rubble is bulldozed from their plot, the Howards will know what condition the foundation is in and the chances of rebuilding on the same site.

76.   Osborne said the university and college foundations were not trying to break the law, only seek a legal interpretation of the privacy exception in the law.

77.   Presumably, foundations would be willing to buy the drug for Africa.

78.   Purvis said that the foundation was a tax-exempt charitable foundation that was not barred from accepting foreign contributions.

79.   Retinal disease foundations are as excited as Churchey.

80.   Rotting logs now need to be replaced, sound ones need to be preserved, and a new foundation is essential, city officials said.

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foundation 0.02%
foundation + v. >>共 389
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