71.   One of the convoys is carrying fuel for Bangladeshi UN forces deployed in the enclave since last October who, according to Joseph, have virtually no reserves left.

72.   Saudi security forces have deployed around the Iranian camp here to enforce a ban on political rallies during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, an official said Monday.

73.   Several people were reported slightly injured in the melee, in which the demonstrators used iron bars and security forces deployed tear gas and a water cannon.

74.   Speaking at a press conference after the start of an EU summit, Solana said the force would deploy in and around the capital Kabul.

75.   The African-led peacekeeping force ECOMOG deployed no troops at Mamba Point despite its pledge to protect UN and aid installations.

76.   The allied rapid reaction troops make up the bulk of the IFOR ground forces deployed in Bosnia to enforce the Dayton peace accord.

77.   The ARCC makes up the bulk of the IFOR ground forces deployed in Bosnia to enforce the Dayton peace accord.

78.   The crash was the first of its kind since the rapid reaction forces deployed in the Balkans in July.

79.   The crash was the first of its kind since the rapid reaction forces deployed in July.

80.   The German forces will deploy in Kenya at a small airport near Mombasa, a military spokesman said.

n. + deploy >>共 171
troop 12.44%
force 9.60%
police 8.41%
government 8.29%
army 7.23%
authority 5.57%
soldier 3.32%
peacekeeper 2.37%
military 2.25%
country 2.13%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
deploy 0.40%
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