71.   But the calls to the council about sports betting seem to increase during football season.

72.   But this college football season, which begins Saturday night for UT, also seems full of fresh promise.

73.   But why not allow the college football season to go a couple of weeks longer and decide a champion on the field?

74.   By then the football season is well under way, having started its professional season with exhibition games following training sessions that begin in early July.

75.   Cal State Northridge senior Scoody Woods, who endured three losing football seasons, each one worse than the one before, almost cried before his final game Saturday.

76.   Clark suggested that if there were ever a permanent grass field inside Giants Stadium, certain kinds of concerts would not be scheduled near the football season.

77.   College football season is well under way, which means it is time for thousands of students to write home for money.

78.   College football season is upon us.

79.   Colorado holds the keys to much of the college football season.

80.   Computer programmer and sports nut Jeff Sagarin got a lot of attention during the football season.

n. + season >>共 749
holiday 19.05%
summer 5.48%
rookie 3.78%
baseball 3.61%
football 3.27%
exhibition 3.23%
fall 3.02%
hurricane 2.25%
peak 2.14%
tourist 2.13%
football + n. >>共 456
team 12.60%
player 11.18%
game 10.12%
coach 7.62%
field 5.19%
fan 3.16%
star 3.03%
program 2.85%
season 2.36%
stadium 2.29%
每页显示:    共 297